Discrete Point Piston Corer

Discrete Point Piston Corer
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Discrete Point Piston Corer - Complete And Ready To Deploy
1) Discrete Point Piston Core Head (68 mmod) with Rubber Boot Coupler
2) “T” Handle
3) Spares Kit (with Rubber Boot Coupler and Hex Driver)
4) Padded Tool Kit
5) 1-Clear Polycarbonate Corer Barrel (68mmid x 71mmod) x 120 cm long
6) Core Extruding Plug and 2-Poly End Caps
7) 20 m Piston Rope (7mm diameter low-stretch)


  • Paleoecological analysis

  • Lightweight piston sampler for soft lake deposits

  • Long (1.2 m long/drive), undisturbed discrete cores from shallow lakes

  • Ideal for collecting beautiful samples of gyttja, clay, and fine sand deposits

  • The sampler employs a “close-open-close” design with retractable lead rod to enable collection of discrete 1.2 m long core samples

  • Piston Sampling is a proven method to minimize core shortening and/or core compression

  • Discrete Point Piston Corer can only be deployed in shallow lakes (max Z 25 m) with a string of Aluminum Holobar Extension Rods