Motodo Box-Type Plankton Sample Splitter

Motodo Box-Type Plankton Sample Splitter
Complete and Ready to Use:
1) Clear polycarbonate and polyethylene construction
2) 1.25-liter box type splitting console with single dividing bar
3) Leveling table with bubble level and adjustment thumbscrews
Complete and Ready to Use:
1) Clear polycarbonate and polyethylene construction
2) 1.25-liter box type splitting console with single dividing bar
3) Leveling table with bubble level and adjustment thumbscrews
Sub-sampling of plankton and ichthyoplankton samples
Best for multiple fractionations of a single sample, suitable for splitting samples with large woody debris
50% of sample is retained inside splitter after the other half is removed
Proven method with robust results
Clear polycarbonate and polyethylene construction
1.25-liter sample compartment
Motodo Plankton Splitter - Spare Parts & Accessories
About Our Motodo Plankton Sample Splitter

Key Features
Best for multiple fractionations of a single sample, suitable for splitting samples with large woody debris, recommended for ichthyoplankton sample splitting
Motodo "box-type" clear polycarbonate construction
1.25 liter sample capacity with single diver bar
Leveling table
Custom sizes available upon request (call for quote)
Motodo Plankton Splitter General Procedures
- Level table with adjusting screws
- Pour sample into mixing area
- Rotate splitter on rocker arm
- Sample is split by cutting edge and contained into two compartments
- One of the compartments is easily drained while the other holds the remaining half sample for further fractionation (when splitting a single sample more than once, this feature conserves one step as compared to the Folsom method - See Folsom Plankton Splitter)
Motodo Unit Includes:
- Polycarbonate splitting console
- 1.5 liter sample capacity
- Balance table with levelling screws
- Larger sample capacity models
- Multiple subsampling consoles
- Micro volume (0.5 liter) size

Designed for multiple fractionations upon a single sample since a “half – sample” is always retained within the console. Preferred method for splitting icthyoplankton samples and benthic samples with coarse woody/gravel debris.
Motodo, S. 1959. Devices of simple plankton apparatus. Mem. Fac. Fish., Hokkaido Univ., 7:73-94. Van Guelpen, L., D.F. Markle, and D.J. Duggan. 1982. An evaluation of accuracy, precision, and speed of several zooplankton sub-sampling techniques. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer., 40:226-236.