Motodo Box-Type Plankton Sample Splitter

Motodo Plankton Sample Splitter
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Motodo Box-Type Plankton Sample Splitter
Complete and Ready to Use:
1) Clear polycarbonate and polyethylene construction
2) 1.25-liter box type splitting console with single dividing bar
3) Leveling table with bubble level and adjustment thumbscrews


  • Sub-sampling of plankton and ichthyoplankton samples

  • Best for multiple fractionations of a single sample, suitable for splitting samples with large woody debris

  • 50% of sample is retained inside splitter after the other half is removed

  • Proven method with robust results

  • Clear polycarbonate and polyethylene construction

  • 1.25-liter sample compartment

About Our Motodo Plankton Sample Splitter

Key Features

Best for multiple fractionations of a single sample, suitable for splitting samples with large woody debris, recommended for ichthyoplankton sample splitting
Motodo "box-type" clear polycarbonate construction
1.25 liter sample capacity with single diver bar
Leveling table
Custom sizes available upon request (call for quote)
Motodo Plankton Splitter General Procedures

  1. Level table with adjusting screws
  2. Pour sample into mixing area
  3. Rotate splitter on rocker arm
  4. Sample is split by cutting edge and contained into two compartments
  5. One of the compartments is easily drained while the other holds the remaining half sample for further fractionation (when splitting a single sample more than once, this feature conserves one step as compared to the Folsom method - See Folsom Plankton Splitter)

Motodo Unit Includes:

  • Polycarbonate splitting console
  • 1.5 liter sample capacity
  • Balance table with levelling screws


  • Larger sample capacity models
  • Multiple subsampling consoles
  • Micro volume (0.5 liter) size

Designed for multiple fractionations upon a single sample since a “half – sample” is always retained within the console. Preferred method for splitting icthyoplankton samples and benthic samples with coarse woody/gravel debris.


Motodo, S. 1959. Devices of simple plankton apparatus. Mem. Fac. Fish., Hokkaido Univ., 7:73-94. Van Guelpen, L., D.F. Markle, and D.J. Duggan. 1982. An evaluation of accuracy, precision, and speed of several zooplankton sub-sampling techniques. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer., 40:226-236.