In-Vitro Gas Flux Reactor

In-Vitro Gas Flux Reactor
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In-Vitro Gas Flux Reactor

  • Large Bore Sediment sampler unit

  • Customized reactor caps

  • Fabricated to meet the specific requirements of the investigations

  • Call for details on various configurations 208.290.3820 or email

  • Used in Conjunction with Large Bore Universal Corer (10 cm diameter model)
  • One (1) each polycarbonate core barrel x 60 cm long (60 cm length; 9.5 cm ID (3 ¾”) x 10 cm OD x (4”) with “O”- ring seal and spare
  • 100 cm diameter x 25 mm thick Polyethylene cap assembly with “o” ring seal and oversized lip to aid removal of cap
  • Holes drilled to accommodate flow-through and/or microsensor ports
  • Polyethylene (threaded) fittings to allow: flow-thru conditions, subsampling water/mud at any point, and remote sensing with micro-probes